Healthcare Huddle

Healthcare Huddle

Physicians' go-to friend for staying ahead on digital health, policy & business. Join 30k+ other health professionals 👇


What People Are Saying

“I'm genuinely enthusiastic about your insights through Huddle+ on the evolving healthcare landscape. Having followed your journey via the Huddle newsletter from your medical school days, I'm impressed by how you've managed to balance your demanding residency with sharing valuable knowledge.”

Robert D. Physician, One Medical

“This is easily the best health care newsletter out there. It's incredible.”

Bobby HExecutive Director

“Fabulous newsletter, Jared! I look forward to this every week! Important (and interesting) information said so simply. Genius!”

Elisa S. Physician, President & Director

“I read your post on Change Healthcare and found it excellent in distilling a very complex disaster into an easily digestible post [...] Great work. Love your site! ”

Brad GPhysician

“Just wanted to tell you I’m amazed by your work!! Don’t know how you’re balancing growing HH during residency but the content has been fire.”

Jonathan WPhysician, Digital Health Investor

“Thanks so much for the incredible content - cannot tell you how much I enjoy these takes.”

Andie SInvestor